There are lots of very similar terms and accronyms used when talking about Disability Services. Below are some definions of commonly used terms and accronyms.
Disability and Dyslexia Service - this is the disability depertmant at Queen Mary, University of London.
Disabled Students Allowance - this is the funding that some students with disabilites qualify for.
Student Finance England - this is the body that provided the Disabled Students Allowance.
If you are a new student or are informing DSA about a new condition, please follow the below flow chart.
If you are a returning student with no changes, please follow the below flow chart.
Use this form when gathering evidence about your disability.
This link is to the 2022/23 forms - make sure you have the right year.
This will be sent to you by the university - contact the DDS service if you are unsure.
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